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Advertising Express Magazine
Targeting GLBT Community

As the US economy found itself under increased pressure in the past years, advertisers' need for tapping into new markets became more of a must than a desire, directly resulting in a reassessment of potential buyers; a reformulation of prospective markets; and the evolution of an increasingly flexible approach toward those areas that were previously more or less ignored. Minority buyers' markets finally seem to be on a long awaited but consistent move in popularity among media planners and advertisers. This article reviews facts, current trends, dos and don'ts with regard to advertising to the GLBT community.

Hispanics, Blacks, and the GLBT market (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender), are now getting a more appropriate share of attention, and are increasingly recognized, not only for their ability to set trends, but also for their long neglected buying potential. The bare boned truth is that, although Americans are still very sensitive about issues of religion, sexuality and race, the need for dollars to keep the economy going prevails, and "gays and lesbians are flexing their muscle in the marketplace like never before" (Winter, 2004, p. 5). As a direct result to this new awareness regarding the purchasing potential of gays and lesbians, "companies have become far less concerned about potential boycotts and backlashes from religious conservatives.



Targeting GLBT Community,US economy, advertisers, Minority buyers, markets, media planners, advertisers,Hispanics, Blacks, GLBT market,conservatives.