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A study of Indian bigwigs shows that their passion for success and supremacy has been the key to their sustained competitive edge. One of the key elements-the driving and energizing force in all the bigwigs is their leadership quality in general, and maximizing achievement with the help of the emotional factor, in particular. This article focuses on highlighting the key areas-passion and emotional quotient to be a high achiever.

If you don't know what you want in life, a terrible thing happens-nothing. Don't wait for opportunities, make them happen.

How would you define passion? If we go by the phrase book then it would include recognized terms-fervor, ardor, obsession, infatuation, excitement, enthusiasm, zeal, craze and the list continues. But why at all do we need to get acquainted with these terms? To answer this question, we should find answer for another question. Do you have a passion for achieving astounding success in your area of effort? If your answer to the above question is "yes", then you are on the right track for achieving success. Having a passion for success is one of the foremost requirements for being on the pinnacle of success. Walt Disney once said, "I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever known" and the world needs no introduction to where his passion for Mickey Mouse took him. Most successful industrialists have a passion to be where they stand today, so it's a tried and tested ingredient for success. So you have to be sure to achieve what you have dreamt of sooner or later. How rapidly you turn your dreams into reality again depends on the level of passion you have.


study of Indian, bigwigs shows, ,passion for success, , supremacy, sustained competitive edge, One of the key elements,,driving and energizing force, , leadership quality in general, , maximizing achievement,,emotional factor, in , focuses on highlighting the key areas,-passion and emotional quotient .