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Global CEO Magazine:
Organizational culture at Nokia

Nokia, the Finnish multinational, is renowned for its organizational culture. Nokia believes in providing individuals with a platform for personal growth in a challenging environment. Clear vision, goals and shared management principles are an integral part of Nokia's culture. The challenge for Nokia is to retain these core values as it grows in size. The article delineates the important HR practices followed by Nokia.

Nokia, the Finnish multinational, is renowned for its organizational culture. The company is the world's largest maker of cell phones-ahead of rivals such as Motorola, Siemens, and Samsung, among others. A flat, networked organization along with speed and flexibility in decision-making characterizes Nokia's culture. Nokia believes in providing equal opportunities to people. The company has attempted to shape a culture of respect, openness and trust."The impact of mobility is shaping all areas of IT, media and consumer industries."

Ollila's (Ollila) leadership has played an important role in shaping Nokia's culture. Ollila had led Nokia's reinvention as a mobile communications company. He joined Nokia in 1985 and held a variety of key management positions before moving to the helm of affairs in 1992. As CEO, Ollila presented an ambitious plan that successfully reorganized the former industrial conglomerate. Along with his team, Ollila accelerated Nokia's growth into a global player in both the mobile handset and telecommunications infrastructure markets.


Nokia,Finnish multinational, organizational culture, Nokia believes,providing individuals, platform for personal, growth in challenging environment, Clear vision, goals and shared management, principles, integral part of Nokia's culture, challenge for Nokia.