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The Advertising Express Magazine:
Creativity in Advertising: Developing Creativity @ Workplace

The book Creativity at Workplace - An Introduction affirms that creativity is an ability possessed by all human beings. However, a certain degree of effort has to be exerted by managers and individuals alike to bring employees' creative abilities to the fore and to channelize their thinking to develop innovative products, services, and systems. This book offers a compilation of a few established and popular creative thinking techniques, which are explained in lucid terms to enable effective application. Creativity is about producing new ideas or combining old ideas in a unique way. The words `Creativity' and `Innovation' are often used together since a creative process usually precedes an innovation. All human beings are extremely creative.

But, each individual's creativity is manifested in different ways. Hence, creativity or innovations are not the sole prerogatives of a select few. Innovations can be developed by experts and non-experts alike by following a few simple principles. Moreover, opportunities for innovations are umpteen and can be found all around us. If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants. It is said that most of the new innovations are usually a modification of an existing idea. Hardly 1% of new innovations pertain to a truly novel and untested approach. Hence, productive thinking (similar to thinking differently) is analogous to creative thinking.

In this sense, thinking differently or productive thinking contributes new ideas for improvizing existing processes, products and services, and to keep abreast with today's competitive world. This article provides a conceptual understanding of creativity by explaining the different thought processes involved in creative thinking. In a world characterized by constant change, we have to be prepared for the unexpected and the unpredictable. As Heraclitus rightly said, "You cannot step twice into the same river; for other waters are continually flowing in." By adopting new ways of thinking and conducting business, we can maintain a freshness of perspective, remain alert, and get accustomed to change. The individual or the organization, which is constantly reviving its systems and practices by adopting new and creative approaches is the one which is better prepared to face the uncertainties of the future.


Creativity in Advertising: Developing Creativity @ Workplace,employees' creative abilities, Creativity, Innovation, innovative products, services, creative thinking, productive thinking, creative thinking techniques,products and services.