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The HRM Review Magazine:
Supporting Behavioral Change through 360 Degree Appraisal

Organizational development, which rests on the strength and support of human element, is catching the imagination of several policy-makers leading to the promulgation of several techniques and tools in this direction. The emergence of the 360 degree feedback, a comprehensive mechanism to know the pulse of the organization, has got a lot of implications. The scenario that can be predicted from such an exercise is discussed here in the name of `behavioral change' by addressing the key issue of management support to the process.

The much hyped performance management in tune with the changing needs and dimensions of the organization makes it imperative to go for implementing new models and techniques for maximizing the efficiency of employees. The measurement of employee's psyche and attitudes spread across the organizational hierarchies assumes key place in the 360 degree appraisal mechanism. The inevitability of knowing the internal dynamics through appraisal mechanism stands undisputed as it alone could bridge the gap between `expectations' and `achievements'. The one potential benefit of applying 360 degree appraisal system in the emerging corporate scenario is to facilitate the behavioral change according to the needs and demands.

The very attempt to scan the nature and style of performance by employees also develops a sensitive atmosphere in the organization wherein the people would be able to expose themselves. The exposure of hidden potentialities and skill sets as revealed by 360 degree method also projects a new direction to HR policies to be implemented for staying competitive in the market. As understood from the previous experiences, the promotion of intellectual capacities generated out of individual concern and organizational demands becomes much easier through this mechanism, say many HR consultants. The modus operandi evolved for implementing 360 degree mechanism ensures further identification of behavioral pattern developed over a period of time. The project-based regulation rather appraisal of employees' performance is found to be more advantageous than annual appraisal system as the human behavior and attitudes keep on changing from time to time according to the situational pressures.

Supporting Behavioral Change through 360 Degree Appraisal, Organizational development, policy-makers, management support, 360 degree appraisal mechanism, HR policies, intellectual capacities , organizational demands, annual appraisal system, behavioral pattern.