Wellness is a state of being described as positive health (Mazzeo, 1993). Wellness tourism is the sum of all activities resulting from a journey and residence by people whose main motive is to preserve or promote their health. They stay in a specialized hotel which provides the appropriate professional know-how and individual care. Customers are provided with a comprehensive service package comprising physical fitness, beauty care, healthy nutrition and diet, relaxation, meditation, mental activity, and education (Mueller and Kaufmann, 2001). This concept, focusing on the maintenance of health rather than cure, is popular worldwide.
The international market for wellness services is estimated to be $150 bn (Chandramouly and Kannan, 2005). Many international destinations, including Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Slovenia and Finland, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Croatia, have strategically realigned their brand position with wellness and wellbeing (Crook and Stevens, 2009). Even US businesses have responded to rising healthcare costs by motivating and encouraging employees to participate in wellness programs (Slutzky, 2008).