ver the years, neuroscience propagated into several branches and one of them was cognitive neuroscience which basically looks into the capabilities of human being, such as attention, awareness, cognitive control, cognitive genetics, decision making, emotion, language, memory, motivation, action, perception, sexual behavior and social neuroscience. Some cognitive scientists published several keynote papers attempting to apply the neuroscientific research techniques such as fMRI to understand the neural correlates of buying instincts and buying decisions of the people, so as to help the companies spend fewer amounts of time and money on promoting their brands and products (Exhibit 1). With the technological developments in neuroscientific equipment such as specialized Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans in the backdrop, various fMRI facilitated-neuroscience research organizations such as NeuroFocus, BrightHouse Institute for Thought Sciences (BrightHouse), etc., were established—however, not for medical purpose, but to serve the corporate clients.
Scientific application of neuroscience necessitated the use of tools and technologies such as fMRI, Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to further the research in finding a ‘buying button’ in the skulls of consumers (Exhibit 2).