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Global CEO Magazine :
Software product development : Changing dimensions

Software product lines similar to that of production lines in manufacturing refers to engineering techniques for creating a portfolio of similar software systems from a shared set of software assets using a common means of production. They are rapidly emerging as an important software development paradigm for companies. The article discusses the process and the role of top management in software product development.


The buzz in the Indian software services industry is about `moving up the value chain' by doing it the product way. The high end of the value chain, which involves the products that require high amount of technical and marketing expertise, is a high-risk, and high-return game. Indian products do not command the recognition level in international markets not only because of size, skills and scope of the IT Indian companies, but also because of their strategies and weaknesses. Indian companies have fallen in the trap of the `low cost' proposition created by big fishes in the market. A few Indian brands like Marshall of Ramco, Finnacle of Infosys may be exceptions but they are restricted to enterprise segment and hence are unable to build consumer level `brand awareness'.

To thrash the trap it is necessary to continuously build up the capabilities and move from `low cost' model to `premium product' model. Here `premium product' signifies the association of complete skill sets and resources for commanding premium and demand for the product. The high profit margins earned along with the long-term brand building are the chief advantages of the product strategy.


Global CEO Magazine, Indian Software Services Industry, Informtion Technology, IT, Indian Companies, Intellectual Property Rights, IPR, Foreign Direct Investment, FDI, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Management Strategy, risk Management, Research and Development, R&D, Integrated Development Environments, IDEs, Portfolio Management, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG.