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Advertising Express Magazine:

Advertisements are the most powerful means for communicating the marketing message to the target audience. The presence of likeable attributes in ads has profound effect on the mindset of the audience and results in creating a positive image about the ads and consequently, the brands. This article focuses on understanding and using likeability in television commercials.


The article is an attempt to portray the brand positioning as a mind game for the marketers. It introduces the concept of `Points of Difference' and `Points of Parity' and explains the role of brand positioning in brand building and how it helps to grow the business. The article also introduces the positioning triangle and highlights the subliminal effects and their relation to positioning. It also discusses the different positioning errors.

A brand may be termed as an image/symbol which conveys many things to the customers. Whenever a person goes for purchasing a product or a service he/she considers many things, i.e., what are the features, advantages, benefits the product or the service are offering to him/her. Usually, the brand name helps in generating a sense of trust amongst the customers. A positive brand image puts the product/service on a better plane where the customers feel secure in investing their money. The American Marketing Association (AMA) has defined brand as a “name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition”.


Brand Positioning: A Mind Game,marketers, Points of Parity, Points of Difference, customers, features, advantages, benefits, American Marketing Association, AMA, goods and services.