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Advertising Express Magazine:

In today's competitive marketplace, generating customers' interest in the brand and convincing them about the brand through the conventional marketing approach is very difficult. The consumer always looks for something and somebody that/who can be trusted. And when it comes to taking decision, personal experience and the direct interaction with the brand will definitely help the consumer. Experiential Marketing (XM), as a direct link and the interface between the consumer and the brand, provides a sensory experience.


Aman, an investment banker, was in need of Internet services at his residence. He wanted to subscribe for the same. As a normal consumer, he started looking for the various options available in the market. He came across various sources of information beginning from the TV commercials, print advertisements like newspapers, magazines, brochures and hoardings. All these helped him to update himself about the various Internet service-providers in the market.

Based on the information and the exposure, Aman started considering a few brands and developed expectations of the service brand he would subscribe for. But some of his expectations were shattered by the opinions he sought from his friend who had used their service. This led him to postpone his decision to subscribe to the Internet service. Again, he started his search for necessary information, but no source helped him to decide and internalize the brand promises of the Internet services brands.

Then, one fine day, he came across a mobile demonstration van of "Faster and Better", Internet service brand parked at a crossroad. Interested in learning more about the brand and the promises it made, he found the promoters encouraging people to avail themselves of a 10-minute free service to experience the brand and its values. He accepted the offer, was convinced about service-provider's claims and subscribed for the highest revenue-generating plan of the company.


Advertising Express Magazine , Experiential Marketing, XM, Internet Services, Marketing Communication, Electronic Companies, Financial Services Sector, Portfolio Management Service, PMS, Market Research, Marketing Strategies, Retail Stores, Decision Making Process.