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Advertising Express Magazine:

The Brand Disease! It is amazing how a brand, an inanimate element, can suffer from a disease. But it is possible, if a brand is assumed as a person by business houses. This disease may not be caused by any germ or virus, but by losing its identity and uniqueness, which are the core contours of a brand. Brand Disease is also termed as `Identity Deficiency Disorder (IDD)'. This article focuses on the symptoms of IDD and the measures to control it.


Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind. The three key rules of marketing are brand recognition, brand recognition and brand recognition. Brands are experienced by everyone in daily life. A common man looks at it as a simple logo or symbol or sign, but the concept behind a brand is quite sophisticated. Like a living being, brand also has a physical existence. It conveys a unique information about a company's offer to whom it is meant for.

Thus, a brand summarizes an array of messages about a company, its product, history and learning. Though the name seems to be simple, the ideas behind brands and the diverse ways used are both complex and comprehensive. In modern marketing, branding decision plays a crucial role in devising successful product/marketing strategy for products and/or services. A well-known brand not only enables companies to build a brand-loyal market, but also enables them to generate price premium.


Advertising Express Magazine, Identity Deficiency Disorder, IDD, Brand Disease, Modern Marketing, Branding Strategy , Marketing Strategy, Organizational Culture, Brand Communication, Return on Investment, RoI, Market Communication.