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Advertising Express Magazine:

Fierce competition in the commercial environment has compelled businesses to look for novel and more effective alternative means of advertising and marketing. The ever-changing face of technology has given rise to several possibilities that can be gainfully explored for the purpose. One such advertising channel, which is already rapidly gaining ground, is the world of Mobile-advertising (M-advertising). While mobile-advertising has the potential to become a powerful personalized advertising medium, there are certain issues which need to be addressed in order to optimize the benefits for the advertisers.


The spread of wired Internet and mobile telecommunication networks has opened up new vistas for advertisers to earn more revenue by exploring their vast and growing reach. The adoption and spread of mobile technology among end-users show an increasing trend and it is only a matter of time before M-advertising or mobile-advertising becomes a key component of marketing strategy.

According to a recent study by ABI Research, the world market for M-advertising and M-marketing is expected to be worth about $3 bn by the end of 2007. M-advertising has emerged as one of the dominant applications in M-commerce by the way of Short Message Service (SMS) advertisement campaigns. This can be attributed to the development and progress in mobile technology which has revolutionized the business environment extensively. The mobile technology-based devices and systems have become an integral part of our everyday life and have made communication more frequent, accessible and quicker.


Advertising Express Magazine, M-Advertising, Mobile-advertising, Mobile Technology, Marketing Management, Mobile Telecommunication Networks, Short Message Service, SMS, Business Environment, Marketing Strategy, M-commerce, Advertising Channels, Advertising Industry, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Multimedia Message Service, Direct Marketing.