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Advertising Express Magazine:

Different people talk about `Positioning' from different angles and the approaches are many. It is very interesting to note that corporates may not follow the established theories, when they position their products. This article tries to find out different available approaches. Seven different approaches of positioning with current Indian examples are presented hoping that all these examples are meaningful in the paradigm of `Positioning'.


The personality of a brand can be defined through the human elements that are associated with it or simply it is the personification of the brand. These personalities can be defined through demographic variables, lifestyle variables and individual variables. We know from Al Ries & Jack Trout, the proponent of `Positioning', that "Positioning is nothing but `locking' the `communication' in general and `brand' in particular in the prospect's minds".

Different brand managers have different approaches towards the locking concept. The seven different approaches are: If we accept what Prof. Kapferer said on identity and image of the brand, it is primarily the job of the company to decide how it should communicate about the `Identity' of its `Brand' which goes to the consumer's mind through the media. Other competing brands are equally active in transmitting their own identities and creating equally competitive image in the consumer's mind. If the communication of the soap brand `X' is more powerful and capable of creating a superior image than other competing soap brands, than brand X will be accepted and preferred by the consumers.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Positioning, Branding Communication, Strategic Brand Management, Statistical Analysis, Market Segmentation, Decision Making process, Quality Management, Marketing Strategies, Marketing Management, Brand Management.