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Global CEO Magazine:

Increasing concerns of global warming have forced progressive businesses to expand their horizons and gain competitive advantage by addressing community concerns.


Global warming poses the single largest potential risk which is threatening economies and communities throughout the world. Today, it is one of the central issues and has made the environment a critical area of focus for businesses. On the other hand, the ongoing energy crunch is forcing the global economy in such a way that green stampede is on from Capitol Hill to California and Brussels to Beijing. Multinational companies are racing to stay ahead of the tectonic movement in their businesses by stepping up and fine-tuning their product lines to be more environmental-friendly. Even new companies in various industries are challenging the giant players to exploit a growing market for everything from green fuels to green cars.

Going by the increasing concerns of global warming, progressive businesses are now expanding their horizons and are gaining competitive advantage by addressing community concerns. For example, a company that acts to protect the environment is helping to preserve the natural capital and probably gaining early-mover advantage in the more highly-regulated markets of the future. The progressive companies are realizing that ignoring these issues means missing future profitability or worse, risking the company's market valuation and reputation.


Global CEO Magazine, Business Practices, Global Warming, Global Economy, Business Organizations, Leadership Role, Work Environment, Risk Management, Global Energy, Jeff Immelt, General Electric, Multinational Companies, Business Leaders.