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Global CEO Magazine:

Who will be the global Ceo for the real global issue? : A management perspective of global warming.Excessive heating up of the earth's atmosphere due to the extended greenhouse effect is known as global warming, which is rising at an alarming rate. Whether we like it or not, global warming has become a grave issue, be it in America, Europe, Africa or Asia. Whoever causes global warming, all have to suffer. It is like a non-smoker or passive smoker suffering because of someone else's smoking habit!


"Global warming will be the greatest environmental challenge in the 21st century."-On August 8, 2007, the daily newspaper The Hindu gave a shocking report that according to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Organization (UNO), the climatic changes may cost India dear and the nation will lose 125 million tons of cereals.

The holy shrine at the Amarnath Cave was closed much before the scheduled time for the season of 2007, due to the melting of the Ice Lingam. Again, changes in the climatic conditions were reported to be the reason behind this.

Today, people all around the world have started realizing the importance of the greenhouse effect, what the reasons are or probable causes for global warming and the effects or consequences of global warming. Probably the possible ways and means to control the effect of excessive global warming have also been identified.

However, there remains the big question mark regarding their implementation. There is no proper enforcing authority to ensure the implementation of the measures to control global warming. So, who will be the `Global CEO' for the implementation of the anti-global warming project?


Global CEO Magazine, Global Warming, Food and Agricultural Organization, FAO, United Nations Organization, UNO, Greenhouse Gases, Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, Business Organization, Public Transport Systems, Environmental Policy, United Nations Environmental Program, UNEP, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.UNFCCC.