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Advertising Express Magazine:
Bluetooth Marketing : Future of Mobile Marketing

Bluetooth device is the next wave in mobile advertising. With amazing success of Wide Area Protocol, and adoption of smart phones and hand- held devices, bluetooth has become one of the key and promising technologies that provides marketers a wide array of outdoor, point-of-purchase and mobile marketing opportunities. As mobile phone is a highly personalized device that makes consumers easily reachable any time of the day, it makes a perfect marketing tool.


The scope of marketing and advertising has grown with every step of technology advancement. Advertisers and marketers leave no media or technology unused for their campaign. The world of marketing is marked by constant innovation with each passing day.

Mobile marketing is marketing a product or a brand using a mobile device. It began with SMS (Short Message Service) in 2000, in Europe and some parts of Asia, when mobile phones became popular and mobile numbers found place in business databases. With the release of mobile short codes to the companies, it became easy for consumers to interact with brands and consumer services. The consecutive stages of mobile marketing have been MMS, mobile interactive games and mobile web marketing.

With phenomenal increase in the number of mobile users, decrease in handset prices along with tariffs from service providers, and the so called `Cell Evolution', companies in India and the world over are resorting to mobile marketing. By the end of year 2008, the number of cellular users will be more than 100 million. The mobile phones today have high-end features like WAP, Sound Recording, MMS, GPRS, SMS, MP3 media players, Bluetooth, Infrared and even office features like Word, PowerPoint, etc. These value-added features have become a tool for marketing. Mobile marketing has existed for sometime: SMS and MMS are being used for marketing special offers; and Bollywood ring tones for movie promotion.


Bluetooth Marketing, Mobile Marketing, GPRS, SMS, MP3 media players, Business databases, FMCG, Fast moving consumer goods, Mobile web marketing, Short Message Service, SMS, General packet radio services, Multimedia messaging services, MMS, Bluetooth technology.