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Advertising Express Magazine:
Engagement Marketing : A New Dimension in Marketing

Customers want to define their own brands and interact with the marketers to make unique products which is possible through engagement marketing. The term `engagement marketing' means involving customers in developing marketing strategies for the brands. The article focuses on the concept and types of engagement marketing, how it works and strategies for its implementation by the marketers.


Engagement is turning on a prospect to a brand idea enhanced by the surrounding context. According to Advertising Research Foundation, engagement is `turning on' a mind; it is a subtle and subconscious process wherein consumers combine advertising message with their own associates to make brand more personally relevant. Suppose, a consumer has viewed an advertisement which he tries to recollect later, it doesn't mean that the engagement has taken place. Engagement marketing is successful when the marketers create their strategies in consultation with customers. As customers are involved in the strategy the right meaning will be conveyed about the product.

Engagement marketing is a buzzword in the present scenario. Marketers want their customers to go through their sites for the interaction to take place. If customers spend more time with a particular brand then they will know more and thus they will be ready to pay for the association which they have with the brand. For example, Haryali, an NGO that works on the environment protection, wanted to increase its members without spending too much money. So, it distributed six picturesque postcards of recycled paper to their existing members and asked them to pass it on to their friends, colleagues, etc., to get it filled. Filled in postcards were to be sent to it on the eve of environment day. As a result, 27 people joined them. They spent around Rs. 39,000 and this was recovered from the new membership fees.


Engagement Marketing, New Dimension in Marketing, Advertising Research Foundation, Social engagement, Market productivity, Consumer engagement, Media engagement, Marketing strategies, Engagement communications, Collaborative filtering.