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Advertising Express Magazine:
Role of Negative Advertisement in Business

Traditional advertising says that brands should promote their attributes to attract its customers. Modern companies often try to win an advantage by referring to the negative aspects of an opponent rather than emphasizing their own positive attributes or policies. The article highlights the impact of negative advertisement on business.


We must have heard many people saying that "no one in this world is perfect". Thus, the fact remains that, there is still something that can be improved in its current state. The negative implication of this is that, there is always some sort of gap between perfection and one's performance. And if this gap is highlighted continuously, there is a possibility that it will destroy the good image of the performer in the audience's mind. On the other hand, everyone has some sort of deficiency. One can perform `n' number of tasks, but all cannot be performed perfectly. One can excel in one aspect but it is next to impossible to be the master in all areas of life. Again, if one's deficiency is highlighted strongly and portrayed appropriately, there is a possibility that its strengths will be doomed and its image will be mutilated.

The above stated fact have been understood by the people in the society and well-capitalized to get various kinds of advantages. One person blames another in order to get a suitable mileage for himself. It is a common phenomenon in politics. It is also seen in the various facets of management practices. It is a common practice of one politician blaming its opposition to gain voters'confidence. Opposition will blame the ruling party for the shortcomings in their policy during their ruling period and on the other hand, the ruling party candidate will blame the oppositions of conspiring against them. No one will speak about what they are, but all will be concerned to find the negatives of others and try to capitalize on those deficiencies. In every meeting, the orator will be found blowing out of proportion, the loopholes and negative aspects of its competitor.


Negative Advertisement in Business, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Coca-Cola, Marketing management, Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL, Hindustan Lever Limited, Management practices, Philip Kotler, Mobile service providers.