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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Ethical Dimensions in Advertising

Markets are being flooded by an amazing range of products and consumer goods. These cover a wide gamut from automobiles, washing machines and fairness creams to mobile phones, apartment houses and TV sets. The competition among the manufacturers and companies has become more intense. In such a milieu, companies adopt advertising strategies to sell products without regard to ethical considerations.


Advertising, has for long, remained an essential part of business, trade and commerce. The rapid changes in the manufacturing industry and the technological revolution have led to a transformation in the lifestyle of people all over the world. Companies seeking to meet the needs of consumers, vie with each other to persuade buyers to buy their brand. This has resulted in great competition among them. Ultimately, the advertisers are forced to adopt different strategies in a bid to sell products.

The range and variety of the advertisements have, in the past few years, expanded to such an extent that it is difficult for people to comprehend the scene. The purpose is the same whatever be the product —an automobile, a fairness cream or soap, mobile phone, food item, utility article, household items like refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, etc. The entertainment industry must also be reckoned with —TV sets, Home Theater, Satellite/dish antenna, etc. The aim is to persuade the customer to purchase the product. "Selling by any means" is the name of the game. In this milieu of intense competition, it is not surprising to find advertisers resorting to all kinds of `slippery tactics' as a ploy to motivate people to buy. However, a number of questions arise here: Are the methods employed by the advertisers ethical? What about the truth regarding the products? Don't the companies have a moral obligation to put before the buyers all the facts about their products? Does the goal of selling override all other considerations?


Ethical Dimensions in Advertising, Products and Consumer goods, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Air conditioner, Pharmaceutical companies, Electronic media, Manufacturing industries, Entertainment industries, Technological revolutions.