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HRM Review Magazine:
Measuring Creativity

Measuring creativity in an organization is a big challenge. Once measured, it's easier to start influencing and set actions for improvement. This article gives eight different levels where organizations can measure the creativity of their organizations and employees. The eight levels are in the areas of creativity, idea management, problem solving sessions, teams, individuals, ideas, sources and emotions. This article does not promise to be complete in the overview of where to measure and look for creativity; it is merely intended to help find the answer to the questions, "What do we mean by creativity in an organiza-tion?" and "How to improve creativity in organizations?"


Igniting creativity in organizations is a big challenge. How do you get people to generate big and bold new ideas? What or who should be influenced? This article gives different levels where an organization can start influencing creativity. But how do you know that the influencing actions have resulted in progress? The only way to find out is to measure at the start and after the intervention. This article gives eight levels in the organization where measurements can be taken.

Creativity is a complex set of parameters mutually influencing each other. Therefore, it might be necessary to use a complex set of measurements. Many students have written their thesis on research done on creativity in organizations measuring all kinds of things and many consultants state to have the solution to improving creativity in your organization. It is time to define the key measures and this article aims to make a first careful step towards identifying what could be the answer.This article does not promise to be complete in the overview of where to measure and look for creativity; it is merely intended to help find the answer to the questions "What do we mean by creativity in an organization?" and "How do we improve creativity in an organizations?"


Measuring Creativity, Idea Management Tool, Creativity Climate Questionnaire, CCQ, Idea management system, Organizational environment, Creativity skills, Creativity techniques, Innovative product or services, Marketing plans, FMCG New Product Development.