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HRM Review Magazine:
TQM for Managers

Total Quality of Mind (TQM) is the equilibrium of mind through which excellence can be attained in the era of competition. A manager with TQM has a regulated mind which is an essential requirement of self-control. A manager with regulated mind only can be a better decision-maker as well as an ethical leader. Knowledge, self-determination, action, wisdom, ethics, values, introspection and self-appraisal are the important tools for attaining TQM and excellence in today's dynamic corporate world.


Mind is full of thoughts and fantasies and attached to the subjects of sensory organs. Attachment leads to increase in desires. Non-fulfillment of desires leads to dissatisfaction and anger. Anger leads to delusion. It leads to loss of self-awareness and destroys intellect. Then crime/sin is committed. A person with such a mind becomes devoid of intellect, yoga and devotion. He cannot attain peace. He is full of pains. He is a slave of the mind.

A person with TQM has self-control over the mind and enjoys eternal happiness/bliss in this world. All his pains vanish. His mind becomes happy and intellect stable. The Indian model of management lays great emphasis on self-control. A regulated mind is an essential requirement of self-control. A person with regulated mind is free from vices like selfish desires, anger, greed, lust, ego, envy, etc. He is free from duals like pain and pleasure; gain and loss, success and failure. He has evenness of mind and enjoys emotional stability. A person of regulated mind is called stithpragna. His mind is free from resolves (Sankalpa _ Vikalpa) and always happy. Naturally, he is a better decision-maker and an ethical leader.


TQM for Managers, Total Quality of Mind, TQM, Management systems, Time management, Human resource management, Decision-makers, Corporate world, Business management strategy, Economic developments, Management accounting systems, Statistical Process Control.