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MBA Review Magazine:
Five Minds for The Future

The behavior of a human brain has always been a fascinating subject and never-ending quest for the psychologists and the researchers. The stalwarts like Freud, Binnet, Skinner and Pavlov have contributed extensively to this field. This book attempts to look at the future needs at the workplace and the corresponding thought processes required to meet those needs and thus sustain in the competitive and highly demanding environment.


The book, Five Minds for the Future is an exciting literature of the collection of thoughts of the renowned author Howard Gardner. It is a fascinating presentation of the author's foresight about the human thought process required to sustain in the competitive society. It is a meticulous attempt to organize the human thought process into a pattern that capitalizes the potential of the brain to the extent possible.

The book puts forth the desirable human behavior of brain/thought process that promises wonderful results As the title of the book suggests, the author classifies the minds into five types in accordance with their thought processes.While unveiling the disciplined mind, Gardner comments that the people in general do not learn to think in a disciplined manner. The chapter explains the significance of disciplined thinking, and points towards the lack of it among most of the professionals. While emphasizing on the disciplined thinking, Gardner attempts to eradicate the erroneous or unproductive ways of thinking and introduce the element of discipline into thinking. Gardner defines disciplined thinking as a radically different phenomenon.

The chapter reveals the art of disciplining a mind. Gardner indicates towards the proactive and voluntary gestures by the individuals than being spoon-fed by the advocates of knowledge. This may remind one of the differences between `mere thinking' and `thinking about thinking' brought out well by the creativity expert, Edward De Bono. The author suggests that the disciplined mind can absorb more learning than others. He suggests that one of the effective ways, which certainly proves quite advantageous many a time, is to approach a topic/concept in several ways like stories, logical expositions, humor, dialogue, graphic depiction, etc.


Five Minds for The Future, Howard Gardner, Human brain, Psychologists, Multiple Intelligences, Competitive society, Disciplined Mind, Creative Mind, Ethical Mind, Logical expositions, Ethical orientation, Management skills.