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MBA Review Magazine:
Essence of Financial Ratios

Performances of banks can be observed and analyzed by means of certain sensitive, identified financial ratios while knowingly allowing reasonable leeway towards the inherent limitations of ratios in general.


The Indian banking industry is in the 21st century—a century of the impossible becoming the possible. Amidst this swift transition, the industry is steering through a super-tech dimension triggered by the commission of super events. Now is the right time to implement macro and micro concepts connected with banking in order to push forward with better performances in every aspect of domestic and global banking. Around the world, banks are facing the implications of global financial imbalances and inequities that intimidate smooth and safe banking transactions.

Financial stability of banks, a prime factor for survival, reinforces the necessity of an inevitable interplay between a growing economy and an emerging development. Major global financial players can easily upset the applecart of the economies of many nations. It will be an ever-prevailing monetary crisis for nations which face a feeble economy. Their constant struggle is to tackle and tame the inherent ill-effects and inadequacies of the economy in operation. The prevailing international inflationary environment is of serious concern because all nations are invariably interconnected and are interdependent in a globalized operation of commerce and trade.

Since there is no global mandatory monitoring of economies of the nations of the world, it is difficult to sketch an `isobar' of the economies of developing countries. It may be a possibility within European Union member states, referred to as Euro 15, wherein, each member state operates within a set of standard conditions which are under constant scrutiny, control and correction. Inflation is a constant ally of weak economies. The adverse effect generated by the turbulences in such economies are not felt by the developed nations, in general. However, the malady of recession has gripped the giant US economy and its repercussions are felt across the earth, heavily by some and lightly by others. A constant, comprehensive and committed national vigil alone can avert colossal economic, social and developmental peril. If India does not take urgent remedial steps the monster called famine is not far away. The banking industry per se cannot escape from its direct responsibility when the economy is slipping into a dubious state.


Financial Ratios, Super-tech dimensions, Domestic banking, Global banking, Global financial imbalances, Banking transactions, Monetary crisis, Inflationary environment, Weak economies, Earnings Per Share, Market Price of Shares, MPS.