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MBA Review Magazine:
Managing Careers in Troubled Waters

Within the uncertain business environment, managing the career is becoming a daunting task. It is an equally hard challenge for a fresh college passout as well as to a top corporate executive.


Career management—perhaps the most used terminology in one's lifetime—starts from school days and continue up to a time when a person finally decides to hang-up the shoes. Sometime even it continues further if the people prefer to take another chance by engaging in related or unrelated field. Although it is a most used phenomenon in all circles, there is hardly any guaranteed route to follow. One may feel and advocate that securing a white color job in any blue-chip company is all about securing a sophisticated career. Well, that is, in the real sense, only the beginning of the process and not process as a whole. Individual's career is largely dependent upon the performance of organization one attaches to. In this age of global economy business risks are always looming at the organization. Even the best of organization remains unsure about their business projection and profitability as the slightest move in the market creates havoc.

All the aforesaid phases have unique challenges to mitigate. But across the phases one issue is constant that one needs to address—the economic environment that one is entangled with. The economic boom or bust is part of business cycle for all kinds of industry. Any career decision depending upon the existing market trend often is not sustainable. One needs to put effort and give sometime to become industry ready for the specific purpose. The moment one become ready with requisite skill—the demand may become non-existing. It is thus imperative to have conceptual skill to foresee the market happening and get equipped. The ability to foresee the market dynamics is however directly related to the understanding the constituent of career environment.

The career management largely encompasses selecting determinants of the environment. Everyday, the opening up of industry is throwing new challenges. The technological change, demanding customer choice and competitor's move, creates a compelling situation for the organization—thus leading the insiders to deliver new product through relentless innovation. The challenges are manifold. One may call it `GLOCAL'—as it ranges from larger issues like global recession to a micro-local issue like pressure from antisocial elements for ransom.


Global economy, Global recession, Antisocial elements, Economic environment, Business cycle, Blue-chip companies, Business environment, Career management, Business risks, Corporate fossil.