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MBA Review Magazine:
Peer Pressure : Implications and Repercussions

Peer pressure exists in all stages of life. It results in either bringing out the best in a person or influencing him to do something really drastic or even harmful. However, one needs to strike a rational balance between giving in to what the peers believe and think and analyzing what is best for oneself. This is, indeed, a challenging task and requires immense maturity on the part of the individual concerned.


Peer pressure can be explained as the influence of a person or a group of persons who belong to a particular community or society. The pressure exerted by the peer group encourages a person in that group or influenced by that group to change his mannerisms, attitude and behavior. In order to conform to the peers' tastes and morals, a person tends to change his overall outlook, in order to be socially acceptable. It is natural for a person to get influenced by his friends, and identify and compare himself with them. Complying with what others are doing, or a desire to possess what others have is nothing but a result of peer pressure. This forces an individual to do certain things/acts which he would normally refrain from doing.

Let us first peer into the meaning of the word `peer'. It refers to friends or persons of the same age group who have similar interests and experiences. A peer could be equal in age and ability, or a colleague in the organization. Peers play a great role in shaping the life of an individual. Since academics and extra-curricular activites are vital during school and college days, a person is forced to spend more time with peers. So, to succumb to peer beliefs and to listen to what others in the group say becomes human nature. Sometimes, close friendships with some of the peers makes an individual feel connected to them like a family.


Peer Pressure, Extra curricular activites, Social interactions, Negative implications, Recreational therapy, Repercussions, Unlawful activities, Unethical activities, Influencing behaviors, Toddler stage, Teenage stage, Adult stage, Psychological problems.