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MBA Review Magazine:
Winning Attitude for MBAs

While skills can be acquired and developed over a period of time with hard work, it is critical to develop a winning attitude towards work. This includes learning from failures, helping others, working under stress and with people from diverse cultures.


Attitude is the most vital attribute towards success, if it is lacking so will the results you achieve. If while playing golf, on the drive you apply minimal effort to your swing, the result you achieve will not be satisfactory because the ball will not go very far. The same is true with life. If you do not apply a winning attitude on a consistent basis, your life may falter as well. Winning is determined, most of the time, by attitude in all fields, and even more so in the game of life.

One player may be limited, but with the right mental attitude, they can make those limitations seem negligible. On the other hand, one might have an abundance of talent, but without the right mental make-up, one will never achieve one's ultimate potential. Attitude separates excellence from mediocrity. It has been rightly observed that your attitude determines your altitude, and attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

To develop that winning attitude you must be crystal clear about your purpose and have the courage to act accordingly. Condition the mind to link pleasure to anything needed to reach your goal, which includes adversities that cross your path. Develop a state of mind that failure does not exist while being proactive. Results are all that matter. Focus on results not failure. You get more of what you focus on. If you do not get the results of your desire, evaluate the process and formulate modifications until you do so.


Business environment, Information users, Opportunity seekers, Risk takers, Organization builders, Enthusiastic learners, Information users, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis, SWOT, Risk management tools, Decision-making process, Organization builders.