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Advertising Express Magazine:
Brand Ambassadors: Marketing Magnets

This article envisages the profile of contemporary brand ambassadors in the context of trends in the Indian advertising industry. The recent transformation in the Indian economy and society, and the cultural impact of globalization on Indian marketing is being reflected in the strategy of brand endorsement. The tactical utilization of popular and skilled brand ambassadors is one of the forms of influential advertising. Brand ambassadors reach out to the society by creating awareness about the brand.


Brand ambassadors are experimental marketers who set the trend and create an enduring relationship with consumers. A well-chosen brand ambassador can stimulate enthusiasm towards a product among the consumers who were indifferent towards it in the past. The strategies used in brand endorsement have undergone significant change in recent years, and there has been increased customization to the local culture, besides a major escalation of strategies aimed at targeting markets over a larger geographical area to stimulate the purchase of products of multinational companies also.

Brand ambassadors are hired by companies to promote their products or services. Various advertising devices like Glass Trucks, Publicity Stunts, Bikes, Advocacy, etc., are used by brand ambassadors to create a buzz about the product or service. Commercials and television advertisements endeavor to boost the sales by using popular personalities and celebrities and most companies shell out huge sums of money just for their appearance in the ad. Though all these strategies gives positive results in long run, consumers' thirst for additional information never quenches. Especially with electronic products and new gadgets, one wants to explore every aspect of the product before making his/her choice. Today, a major change is observed in creating the brand value through e-mail, chat rooms, social circles, etc. The ever-increasing usage of the Internet is propelling the word of mouth influence among the people. And, the role of brand ambassadors cannot be overlooked.

Brand ambassadors explore the very fundamentals of the product/service, try to reach out to the targeted customers explaining these features and instill trust and acceptance in the minds of the consumer and instantaneously develop strong customer relationships. They adopt versatile techniques that may lead to an impact on the psyche of the target customers, thereby creating an emotional connect. And, finally, the customers come under their magical spell. As a result, the time required to brand a message, product or service is significantly reduced.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Ambassadors, Marketing Magnets, Indian Economy, Multinational Companies, Hindustan Unilever, HUL, Celebrity Advertising, Celebrity Ambassadors, Strategic Planning, Products and Services, Brand Celebrity Ambassadors.