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Advertising Express Magazine:
Emerging Advertisement Strategies and Their Impact on Consumers

Advertisement strategies have changed over the years across all product ranges, thanks to developments in the information technology and communications fields. Today, consumers are more particular about the quality of the products that they purchase. Online marketing and e-advertising are gradually gaining importance. The influence of TV ads on viewers must also be reckoned with. Overall, the advertising landscape has changed with the development of new media, new channels of communication and new advertising models. It is, thus, a testing time for the industry now. The key to success lies in focusing unerringly on the needs of the customers and listening to what they are saying.


The developments in the global economy during the last two decades are indeed startling and there is no doubt that advertising of products and services has also been influenced by these trends. What were initially local economies confined to a few places have now become global. The technological marvels in recent times have been instrumental in knitting different countries together and making industries assume a global perspective. Advertising strategies have changed significantly in almost all the product ranges. The two main objectives of informing and persuading consumers, which advertising primarily seeks to accomplish, have taken new dimensions. In effect, the creation of a favorable impression leading to the purchase of a product is the sine qua non of advertising and marketing today. Several strands deserve attention here. From the overall perspective, promotion of a product assumes importance and this hinges on greater awareness about brands, brand recall and recognition. In these days of intense competition, external incentives seem to play a more pivotal role than inherent product qualities.

Promotional activities with incentives like rebates, discounts, giveaways, etc., may result in a rise in sales, but this could be only for a short-term. According to some advertising experts, incentive-based promotions are akin to a `dangerous narcotic' and "it feels good in the short run, but, in the long run, it is addictive and ultimately highly destructive. Also, such promotions undermine the image-building investments in advertising and erode brand loyalty by encouraging consumers to make purchase decisions on the basis of price, rather than brand attributes."Eventually, they could lead to a decline in profits.

Turning to the electronic media (especially, television) almost all advertisements related to consumer durables and other goods use women and children for promoting their products. There are several examples of these: Lion Dates Syrup, wherein a small girl gives her brother the product and tells him that he can build his strength and become a cricket captain only by using it. The mother chips in and gets another bottle for her hair fall. Lifebuoy Soap and MTR Gulab Jamun are also in this category. In the latter ad, the boy hoodwinks the mother that he came second in the race but the father finds out that only two had participated in the race. The various components of services marketing like price, product, physical evidence, process and people are all brought into play by today's companies in their products and services.


Advertising Express Magazine, Advertisement Strategies, Online Marketing, E-advertising, Global Economy, Electronic Media, Products and Services, Fuel Consumption, FMCG Products, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Banner Advertising, Online Advertising.