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Advertising Express Magazine:
Entertainment-driven Marketing

The advertisement strategies adopted by the companies is undergoing a paradigm change due to the growing competition, changing customer needs and use of new IT and communication tools. This change is, not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to experiment with innovative models of advertising in order to give a boost to the further growth of this industry.


While change is a law of nature, it is difficult to introduce change. This is because the consequential risks that may arise as a result of introducing the change cannot be fathomed. Hence, any change, for obvious reasons, scares people and institutions and, therefore, it is difficult to introduce change both in individuals and institutions. But, change is something which cannot be avoided.

No wonder, even advertisement strategies are also undergoing a paradigm change. In fact, change also provides an opportunity to experiment with innovation and generate a new path for growth and development. It is, therefore, not at all surprising to find that the new generation of ad managers prefer to weave stories that entertain the viewers and also generate demand for the products and services advertised. A very good example of this is the latest ad of Airtel. In fact, today's ad managers are working to create slogans and stories that could be integrated to provide entertainment as well as generate interest in the products and services.

However, to adopt and succeed in implementing an innovative strategy, the advertisers, media, agencies, etc., all have to change their mindset. It is imperative for them to become familiar with different cultures and languages of their target group of customers. In fact, if one studies the current trend of advertisement it would be obvious that the conventional distinction between advertisement for marketing of products and services and also for providing entertainment is getting blurred. It is becoming more and more apparent that most of the ad managers are looking for stories that would provide entertainment, besides creating interest in the products and services of their clients. For this, it is obvious that ad managers should be able to conceptualize as well as visualize events, phrases and words that would capture and captivate the targeted audience and convey the message that they would like to spread to create a brand image for the products and services.


Advertising Express Magazine, Entertainment-driven Marketing, Communication Tools, Innovative Models, Advertisement Strategies, Products and Services, Innovative Strategies, Social Online Media, Innovative Strategies, Advertising Companies, Media and Entertainment Agencies.