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Advertising Express Magazine:
Infomercial Advertising

In the world of highly competitive and rapidly changing advertisement strategies, there are several proven methods of promoting a product or service. One among them is: infomercial advertisement. This article is a study of this strategyits attractive advertising methods, successful campaigns and the benefits it offers.


According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), infomercial is any commercial program that has a running time of 14 minutes and 30 seconds or longer. A commercial program (infomercial) is one in which the producer and the sponsor are one and the same.

In the advertisement industry, `Infomercial' is an effective form of television advertisement which is lengthy, compared to other commercials. Usually, the length of any advertisement is limited to less than five minutes, but infomercials are five minutes or longer. These types of advertisements offer products for direct sale to consumers on the basis of orders placed by them through the mail, phone or website. In these kind of commercials, the product which is to be sold is displayed, described and demonstrated. Information like the name of the product, its brand, quality, quantity, price, its uses and how that product could potentially benefit the consumer is also provided. Apart from this information, the commercial also shows some positive customer comments and success stories about the product.

Infomercials present multiple products each in a detailed manner without any interruptions. This holds the viewers' attention and urges them to place an order for the product immediately through the advertised toll-free phone number and website. The overall objective of these type of advertisements is to attract millions of customers to buy the product or services. These ads aim to follow different strategies, create new ideas and gain both new customers and retain the current ones. Infomercials are called `Paid programming', `admags' (Teleshopping in Europe). According to Ron Perlstein, President of InfoWorx, a company that designs informercials, "It's a great time to be in the direct response industry, in which contact with customers is immediate through a toll-free number operators are standing byor website. If you have the right product for the time, and the right pitch, you can make the phone ring."


Advertising Express Magazine, Infomercial Advertising , Federal Trade Commission, FTC, Advertisement Industries, Direct Response Television Advertisement, DRTV, International Shopping Network, Entertainment Industries, Infomercial Scams, Marketing Strategies.