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Advertising Express Magazine:
WOMM: Builds Your Market by Spreading the Word

To advertise their products, companies are spending huge amounts of money today. But there is no certainty that a great promotional activity will result in greater sales. Word-of-mouth is one strategy that enhances a company's credibility. Do you know that word-of-mouth can turn a business from failure to success overnight and vice versa? Well, this article reveals the magic of Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM).


It has been calculated that a person receives more than 1,000 ad messages from different media everyday. The question that arises here is how many ads/ad products can the person remember out of these 1,000? Probably, somewhere between 2-5. If its so, then many of the ad campaigns are just a waste of money. It is true that we tend to believe the information given by people whom we know. We, as customers, would believe some information given by a friend more than a message conveyed through an ad. This is the fundamental reason why the word of mouth concept originated. An Australian multilevel marketing company first used this term, word-of-mouth marketing, in the mid-1980s. WOMM (Word of Mouth Marketing) is a tool which can give better results compared to other promotional activities. This strategy has become popular and is being used by all the countries across the world. FMCG giant, Reckitt Benkiser, which manufactures popular brands like Vanish, Cherry Blossom, Colin, etc., is now using social media marketing. The company has initially planned to promote its products in six countries (US, UK, India, Brazil, Russia and Germany) to create a dialog platform with the audience. The objective of this campaign is, not only to increase sales and create brand credibility, but also to reach out to the next generation suppliers, consumers, employees and shareholders. That is the reason why the campaign is targeted at people in the age group of 20-32.

Today, social media has become an important element of the media mix for every marketer. One cannot skip WOMM, especially when we are talking about integrated marketing communication today. A positive word of mouth can create repeat customer purchase and can introduce new customers in a very cost-effective way. It also gets the marketer closer to the end customer.

A global Internet survey by Nielsen found that 87% of those who used the Internet trusted others' advice, rather than any kind of advertising. This shows that word-of-mouth is the most powerful advertising tool. Newspapers came second in the `most trusted list', with 77%, opinions expressed online were the third most trusted at 73%. India comes fourth among the top 10 countries in which customers trust the recommendations given by other consumers, with Hong Kong topping the list with 93%. Most of the top 10 markets in which consumers rely mostly on "recommendations from other consumers" are in Asia. They include Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea and the Philippines.


Advertising Express Magazine, Word-of-Mouth Marketing, WOMM, Integrated Marketing Communication, Global Internet Survey, Viral Marketing, Web-based E-mail Services, Buzz Marketing, Community Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Grassroots Marketing, Evangelism Marketing.