In recent times, Credit Risk Management (CRM) has come under increasing scrutiny in both
academia and practice. It is commonly believed that CRM strategies followed vary with bank-specific
characteristics. However, a study focusing on examining the association between size of the bank and
CRM strategies in India does not seem to have been attempted so far. Drawing upon primary data
of 35 Indian commercial banks during 2007-2008, this study aims to explore the extent to which
bank size impacts on the choice of a broad set of CRM strategies relating to four elements of CRM,
namely, (1) CRM organization; (2) CRM policy; (3) CRM operations and systems at transaction
level; and (4) CRM operations and systems at portfolio level. For this purpose, sample banks were
classified on the basis of their value of advances portfolio into three size categories, namely, small,
medium and large banks. The findings obtained using discriminate analysis together with chi-square
test suggested significant association between the size of bank and some of the CRM strategies,
particularly with regard to CRM organization and CRM operations and systems at transaction level.
It was concluded that large-sized banks generally emphasized the elements of specialization and
centralization in the choice of their CRM strategies. The findings also indicated that a mix of the
credit risk avoidance, credit risk mitigation and credit risk control approach was commonly followed
by all the sample banks, irrespective of their size. |