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Global CEO Magazine:
ERP Implementation : Plan to Avoid Failure

Before embarking on a strategic project, every organization should be aware of its a priori chances of success. In essence, managing a project means performing an optimization review under constraints. A project aims to deliver maximum functionality within a given budget and time frame. An IT-based approach aims at maximizing the overall pareto efficiency of that project within its organizational environment and its market environment. The same is true of enterprise resource planning.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a term, originally coined in 1990 by The Gartner Group to describe the next generation of Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) software. The purpose was to integrate all facets of the business enterprise under one suite of software applications. The definition of ERP could be broadened to include almost any type of large integrated software package. Webopedia provides a generalized definition of ERP as "a business management system that integrates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales, and marketing." Some of the more well-known ERP software developers include SAP, Oracle, and PeopleSoft.

This study was undertaken among the corporate entities and SME units in Chennai and it tried to dwell upon both successful and unsuccessful ERP implementations to discover what factors might have contributed to their success or failure. Many lessons have been learned from failed ERP projects, as evidenced by the volume of information available. Since many of the efforts, which were launched in 1999, apparently in an attempt to address anticipated Y2K issues, did not have a high degree of success, a feeling is generated that these companies had indulged in hasty implementation in an urgency to beat the calendar. Apparently, late adopters are benefiting from the mistakes of their predecessors since the most current research describes successful implementations. So, what are these lessons from which CEOs can benefit today?


Global CEO Magazine, Strategic Project, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Manufacturing Resources Planning, Global Platform, Information Technology, IT, Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, TISCO, Program Management Office, PMO, Corporate Culture.