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MBA Review Magazine:
Motivation: Best Solution to Management Research Thesis Guiding Problems

The main aim of Management Research thesis in MBA curriculum is to improve the statistical and analytical skills of the students. MBA Thesis (MT) plays a vital role in making students' placement worthwhile and in their self development. But it has been seen that in majority of cases desired expectations are not fulfilled. The role of MT Guide is crucial in this aspect. He/she needs to direct research work of students in the right direction. While guiding the students, the MT Guide faces various obstacles. The article brings out various problems encountered by MT Guides in guiding the students. It discusses the tools and techniques used by MT Guides in solving these problems.


The corporate world is going through a turbulent phase as the economy is not stable. Recession is hitting almost all the sectors, which include retail and IT-enabled services, FMCG, finance, banking, etc. So, instead of fresher candidates, there is an urgent requirement for qualified and trained management professionals to meet the HR requirements of corporates and industries.

Considering the demands from the corporate world, universities and B-Schools are going for time-tested and market-based curricula. They have integrated various components in postgraduate management education programs which ensure practical learning of various management concepts, thereby offering total quality education to students. In an effort to realize that management is more about practical knowledge, B-Schools have added valuable inputs in curriculum, like operational projects, live projects, short selling assignments, industrial tours, industrial projects, summer internship programs, management research theses, placement preparation modules, soft skills modules, etc. Out of these inputs, one of the most important components is the management thesis.

Management thesis is an integral part of the MBA program. The main aim of a management thesis is to teach the student ways of solving business problems and taking strategic business decisions by focusing on Research Methodology. It helps student to learn formulation, designing and implementing a research strategy in respect to actual business scenario. Management thesis provides the platform to students to learn practical implementation of concepts learned by them.

It provides various learning opportunities to them as they have to gather information, primary as well as secondary data about subject or topic they are focusing on.

It helps in enhancement of communication and interpersonal skills as in order to collect the data they need to interact with various people, take interviews of various business dignitaries. These kinds of interaction help in boosting their morale and confidence.


MBA Review Magazine, Management Research Thesis, IT-enabled Services, Corporate World, Industrial Projects, Summer Internship Programs, B-Schools, Soft Skills Modules, Interpersonal Skills, Key Result Areas, Management Research Projects, MBA Curriculum, Communication Skills.