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Critical Success Factors for Building a B-School Brand

In today's modern competitive world, university branding has begun to play a pivotal role. It's a buzzword in academia and numerous research efforts are being made around the process. This article focuses on how to build a successful B-school brand and also lists the critical success factors in creating and enhancing the brand image of a B-school brand in its ecosystem.


In today's competitive business environment, there is a great demand for innovative management methodologies to solve different bottlenecks in an organization which, in turn, will improve the organization's productivity, efficiency and overall profitability. Thus, the need for modern management education is gaining huge prominence across the world.

Research and Consulting is the heart of any growing institution. B-schools should nurture a research mindset among students and faculties and encourage them to take up research in different areas of management such as psychology, strategy, behavioral sciences, social issues, etc. Every institution must have a research and consulting committee, which will act as a change catalyst to explore and derive relevant insights out of the research studies. This in turn will enhance the B-school's brand value among its stakeholders and ecosystem as well.

Critical success factors are defined as those facilitating tools that drive any institution forward and also make it highly successful. The following are the critical success factors for any B-school to succeed in this highly competitive environment (Refer Exhibit 2):

Pedagogy is a term used to define a style of teaching instruction in an institutional set up. In today's competitive business world, selecting the right pedagogical methodologies plays a pivotal role in delivering the right content to the student fraternities. To address the current gaps, B-schools should embrace the Web 2.0 technologies to create innovative ways of teaching.


Advertising Express Magazine, Critical Success Factors, Modern Management Education, Business School, Pedagogical Methodologies, Key Management Team, Foreign University Collaborations, Pedagogy, Executive MBA Programs, Corporate Social Responsibility, Knowledge Development, Business Models, Online Collaboration Styles.