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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Hidden Geometrical Patterns in Print Advertisements : A Study

The article is an approach to find out the mathemagical (mathematical + magical) relationship in the composition of the elements of a print advertisement and the different visual zones in the composition. The elements arranged have some functional requirements, but when they are arranged as a composition, they must have some geometrical relationships.


When we look at different print advertisements, we see various elements in them. There are various components like the visual, caption, headline, copy, coupon, advertiser's name and contact information. All the mentioned elements, along with different zones in the visual itself, form the advertisement's layout. All the zones are in sync with the other visual zones of the entire composition, otherwise the composition won't be balanced (though, there are examples, when one component is intentionally kept out of proportion). So, what is the hidden geometrical pattern of the print advertisement layouts? How are all the elements in sync? The elements so arranged have some functional requirements, but, when they are arranged as a composition, they must be having some geometrical relationships.

The Webster's Collegiate dictionary defines proportion as "the relation in magnitude, quantity, or degree of one to another". Ratios are mathematical concepts. They deal with magnitude, number and degree. It is easy to ignore the significance of ratio and rhythm in the fascination of their mathematical and geometric structure. A design is meaningful only when it expresses the functional necessities. Design can always be thought of from two points of view. One determinant will be structural and functional; the other expressive. There need not be conflict between these. Mathematics and Geometry are our tools for analyzing and stating the structure of ratios. They can never answer the questions of rightness and suitability of purpose.


Advertising Express Magazine, Hidden Geometrical Patterns, Geometrical Relationships, Print Advertisement Layout, Geometric Analysis, Mathematical Statements, Orthodox Dynamic Symmetry, Geometrical Logic, Coca-Cola Campaign, Functional Necessities.