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Advertising Express Magazine:
Rethinking Sales : The Promotional Paradigm

The landscape of selling has changed dramatically over the last decade as a result of intense competition and the changing business scenario. This requires the companies to adapt to this rapidly changing context by exploring new avenues and revamping the existing strategies. This article lists some of the strategies that marketers can adopt in this changed scenario to beat the competition and attract the attention of the consumers.


There is much more creativity to advertising than simply taking out an ad and getting it printed or aired. If you stop and think for a minute as to what the purpose of an advertisement isyou will find that many more skills are required even to assert this simple issue. The aim of an advertisement is to bring to the existing or potential clients, information on your product/service, with the sole pivotal outcome being a sale. Promotional reach and dimensions have changed rapidly. What gets accepted today can become obsolete tomorrow. Taste and preferences of the consumers have touched the edge of diversity. Today, a majority are in favor of informative buying.

So, when thinking of how to advertise, you must consider both. If the information does not provide exciting, dynamic, caring strategies, then sales will probably not occur. To be precise, an ad has to have magnetic features, enabling it to draw the mass towards the product/service. Sounds interesting but has to be dealt with intense care and concern as a faulty or misleading effort can boomerang back at you. Make your promotional tool informative but attractive enough at the same time to draw attention.

I believe one of the most underutilized methods of boosting sales is via alliance partnersyou must find the trail to reach out to a potential alliance partner and put together a well articulated proposal that can reap profits for both you and your set of valued customers! Joint or shared advertisements can work wonders really well and is one trusted and proven way you can work together (though not the only wayconsider a shared stand at a Trade Fair or promoting to each others customer list, etc). Speaking of shared efforts, it can aid you in cost minimization, resulting in better profits and helping in gaining a competitive edge in the market.



Advertising Express Magazine, Rethinking Sales, Promotional Paradigm, Cost Minimization, Advertising Tool, Business Operators, Posh Marketing, Globalization, Corporate World, Underutilized Methods, Promotional Tool.