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Advertising Express Magazine:
Strategic Role of Advertisements in Brand Renewal Communication

Brand renewal is a process of conferring a new lease of life to the brand and ensuring that the brand remains afresh in the minds of the customers. In this regard, advertising plays a vital role in linking the brand renewal process and the customer. Marketers can use various kinds of advertising tools to inform the customers that their brands are being renewed constantly to meet their ever-changing needs.


The brand renewal concept speaks about the attention given to the brand by the marketers during its stagnation or decline stage to put the brand back on the growth track. Rekindling the brand by the process of renewal is imperative to keep the brand alive when the product faces cut-throat competition in the market and threat from new entrants. Brand renewal increases the product's perceived value to the customer and could ensure repeat purchases or good word-of-mouth about the brand by the customers. The brand renewal process could promote and expand the reputation of a certain product thereby attracting increased customer attention. The process involves changes in the logo design, slogan, brand promises and even changes in the brand itself. It may sometimes even call for rebranding, brand orientation or choosing new brand ambassadors. The ultimate aim of the brand renewal process is to keep the brand afresh in the minds of the customers and to appeal to the non-users/purchasers to join the bandwagon of the existing customers thereby increasing the customer base.

Advertising is the link between the marketer (initiator of the brand renewal process) and the customers. Advertising is considered to be the most powerful means by which customers and prospective customers could be effectively reached. The extent of advertising would decide the impact of the brand renewal process on the customers. The advertisements speak about the functional benefits and other values of the brand and try to imbibe these values into the customers' minds. The objectives of the advertisement should strongly be based on the fundamental principles of AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) and the marketers should effectively use the various tools of advertisements such as banners, posters, commercials, online ads, etc., to complement the brand renewal communication process.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Renewal Communication, Rebranding, Advertising Tools, Brand Renewal Process, Television Media, Niche Marketing, Brand Ambassador, Product Preamble, Corporate Advertisement, Product Advertisements.