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Advertising Express Magazine:
Tata Nano : Consumers' Post-purchase Behavior

This case study focuses on the post-purchase behavior of Tata Nano buyers. The post-purchase perceptions, dissonance levels and moments of pride have been analyzed with the help of primary data collected through video interviews conducted among eight customers of Tata Nano in Hyderabad, India, in mid-January 2010. The case study runs in the backdrop of the conceptualization of theTata Nano car and the roadblocks that cropped up during its production.


On January 10, 2008, the grounds of Pragati Maidan in New Delhi were chock-a-blocked with industrialists, engineers, politicians, media persons and shutterbugs amid the common people. No, that was not a political gathering or an India vs. Pakistan ODI cricket match; it was not even the glittering occasion of the Filmfare awards; it was the 9th Annual Delhi Auto Expo. The ensemble of crowd at Hall No. 11, with crossed fingers, anxious eyes and the buzz of the entire setting depicted something big is going to happen. As Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey was playing in the backdrop, a small car rolled out into the arena only to make the crowd go crazy on seeing its unmatched look, style, design and charisma (Exhibit I). It was a long-cherished dream of Ratan N Tata (Ratan Tata) of prestigious Tata group of industries, which materialized. It was a dream come true for millions, the flagship of empowerment, a revolution of the 21st centurythe small car Nano, the people's car! India's first indigenous contribution to the global automobile industry, the world's cheapest car!

From conceptualization in early 2003 to its first media appearance in the Auto Expo in New Delhi in 2008, and finally hitting the markets in 2009, it was a roller coaster ride for Nano. Facing challenges like cost-cutting measures, financial pressure, quality-related problems, political agitations, intense competition and constant criticism, the car rolled out to the masses on March 23, 2009. How far has the Tatas' promise of delivering the people's car met the demands of the masses? Had the car lived up to the expectations of consumers? What are the post-purchase reactions/opinions of customers?


Advertising Express Magazine, Tata Nano, Global Automobile Industry, Political Agitations, Product Development, Indian Automobile History, Marketing Strategies, Viral Marketing, Social Media Communities, International Companies, Internal Communication System, Customer Relations Department, Repairing Services.