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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Celebrity Endorsement Market in India

The strategy of using celebrities to endorse brands has been steadily increasing over the last few years. If appropriately selected, a celebrity endorser can impart credibility to a brand and can attract and hold the consumer's attention. In the 1980s, ads primarily featured TV and movie stars, while today, cricketers, bollywood actors and actresses and TV stars dominate the celebrity endorsement market in India. The article lists out the most popular celebrity endorsers over the last couple of years.


In the Journal of Consumer Research, Grant McCracken defined a celebrity endorser as "Any individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement." A celebrity endorser is an individual who is known to the public for his or her achievement in the areas other than that of the product class endorsed. Celebrities are people who enjoy public recognition by a large number of people and enjoy a high degree of public awareness.

Celebrities can be actors, models, sports personalities or entertainers. Besides these, there are fictional celebrities popularly known as the company's mascots. A mascot can be an illustration of either a real or an imaginary figure. It represents the brand and adds life to it. It is something between the brand's logo and a celebrity brand endorser. Some of the famous mascots of all-time are Asian Paints' Gattu, Amul Girl, Air India's, Maharajah, Onida's, Devil, etc.

Endorsement is a channel of brand communication wherein the endorser who has already developed goodwill in the market endorses a product and acts as a link between the product and the consumer. It has been seen that popular celebrities are more likely to put a strong image of the product in the market.

sports products, and celebrity endorsements are both interlinked to each other since many celebrities today are more recognized by the brands they are associated with like Abhishek Bachchan with Idea, Aishwarya Rai with L'Oreal, etc. The main aspects of celebrity endorsements are:


Advertising Express Magazine, Celebrity Endorsement Market, Fictional Celebrities, Brand Communication, Celebrity Endorsement, Product Endorsement, Endorsement Market, Sports Management, Sports Management Firm, Marketing Strategy.