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HRM Review Magazine:
Corporate Social Responsibility : From Philanthropy to Responsibility

The concept and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in India has undergone a process of evolution in the flux of time. The process symbolizes an unending journey which begins with the noble intension of philanthropy (charity or giving without expecting anything in return, but, on the way, the journey has become a matter of corporate responsibility. This article provides an insight into the evolution of CSR in India, CSR models in practice and explores the gap in its implementation procedure.


Philanthropy and responsibility, in the critical segment of corporate sustainability matrix, stand at two extreme ends of a continuum. At one end, people interpret it as compliance to law; at the other extreme, it is sheer philanthropic in nature. Much before the phrase Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was coined, the industries and the individuals used to donate some amount of their earnings for the development of society. CSR was more widely accepted as community-based development approach for a long time.

Over the period of time, a wide range of issues relating to rising population, poverty, global warming, health, illiteracy, unemployment in the country have been aggravated and impacted the nation and the corporation to a large extent. The Government of India formulated guidelines for the business enterprises to spend at least 1% of their net profit for societal development. The business houses today feel it necessary to stay legitimately in business by complying to CSR legislation. This has been reflected in the social responsibility activities of the corporate houses which have moved beyond the traditional focus on periphery development as against the traditional contractual obligation.

The definition of CSR is reflected in the three words contained within its title phrase: `corporate', `social', and `responsibility'. Broadly speaking, CSR covers the responsibilities of the business enterprises (or other for-profit organizations) towards the societies within which they operate. More specifically, CSR engages a business enterprise identifying its stakeholder groups and incorporating their needs and values within the strategic and day-to-day decision-making process.


HRM Review Magazine, Corporate Social Responsibility, Philanthropy, Global Warming, Business Houses, Traditional Contractual Obligation, Business Enterprises, Periphery Development, Ethical Principles, Community Development, Globalization, Corporate Houses, Business Strategy, Environmental Resources, Social Enterprises, Indian Corporate Philanthropy, Social Development Projects.