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HRM Review Magazine:
Retrench Honorably

When we are on the rise in our career we feel extremely satiated, but reverse is true when we face job loss or retrenchments. No doubt, sometimes, situation demands downsizing but companies/organizations should follow a proper way of doing it. Job cuts have become a phenomenon, as we have seen from recent global economic meltdown that rendered numerous people jobless. The severity of the pain can be much less for the outgoing workforce as well as the remaining employees if it is undertaken in an amicable way.


One can imagine the fear, anxiety and feeling of losing the most precious gift from almighty, i.e., `life' when the ship on which we sail starts sinking. We tend to lose patience, even if we claim ourselves to be the most serene person living in the world.

The article tries to focus upon the situation one faces, when one loses the love for life i.e., job or when one observes job cuts in the office and how the management can play a pivotal role to boost the sinking morale of their human capital during such rough weathers.

In today's economic reality, productivity and workforce effectiveness is becoming increasingly important. Low morale though hard to define or measure, needs to be given serious consideration. Making the challenge greater is that low morale can creep in slowly and silently. Negativity slowly creeps in and gradually affects leadership and investors only see the damage after it is done.


HRM Review Magazine, Retrenchments, Global Economic Meltdown, Emotional Impacts, Decision Making Process, Stress Management, Organizational Development, Performance Management, Reward Strategies, Discovery Communications, Recessionary Phase, Economic Recovery, Financial Services, Distribution Channels.