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Effective Executive Magazine:
Who Is Going to Do What, When and Why Is That Going to Happen? Fundamentals of Great Organizational Execution

Definitions of leadership effectiveness in practice may be measured objectively, including people-oriented economic measures, such as income per capita, the reduction of poverty over time, decrease in unemployment, increase in the standard of living, lower levels of inflation and better purchasing power parity. It is also possible to consider countrywide measures such as GDP, GNP, and transportation and logistics statistics. International comparisons include FDI totals, the Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International, import and export figures, and the extent of the national debt. The creation of an entrepreneurial culture (or lack of) can be measured by these and other ways.


Clarify Who Is Going to Do What, When and Why That Needs to Happen
You are in charge of a group of people and you have the responsibility to achieve certain results. You have decided, or someone else has decided for you, on the type of business you are in and the general direction you want the business to move in. You have, or someone else has, decided on which products and services to continue to offer and which innovations need to be introduced into the marketplace. Now you and the other members of your organization need to execute.

Write down a list of the names of every employee you have. If you have too many employees to do that effectively, write down the name of the group or department or function that represents large numbers of these people. Their manager can break down these groups into individual names and responsibilities later on.

Now answer this question, “Who is going to do what, when and why is that going to happen?” Write down your answer so you can see it, especially the part about why it is going to happen. Make sure every employee, or group of employees, has a clear role. On a piece of paper, write down the responsibilities for each role and put the name of the employee or employees next to the role. Step back and look at what responsibilities you have assigned to people. On a calendar, write down a draft when the various activities need to happen.


Effective Executive Magazine, Sustaining Success, Idealistic Notion, Financial Fraud, Future Implications, Second-Hand People, Integrity Maintainence, Economic Swings, Dot-com Bubble Mania, Financial Breakdown, Technological Revolution.