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The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development :
Induben Khakhrawala: The Journey of a Woman Entrepreneur

This study focuses on the journey of a Gujarati middle-class housewifeturned- entrepreneur, Induben Jhaveri. Belonging to a traditional Jain family, where women are generally perceived to be homemakers, Induben started her own Khakhra1 venture, which has become a trademark for women entrepreneurship. Induben, not only changed the perception of her community towards business, but also successfully rebranded Khakhra, a roasted chapati, in Gujarati culture. Changing its status of ‘the diet of the miser’, khakhra has positioned itself in the diet products market. If today we particularly talk about Amdavad, then this niche was created by Induben Khakhrawala on whom this case study is based. The study comments on the efforts of a housewife to overcome the mediocrity, invent a business model and change the way people think of women folk. It also talks about how a lot of factors, including personal such as family as well as community, helped her small business grow by gradual leaps and bounds.


A lot has been said, written and taught about entrepreneurship. The world is full of opportunities and so of dynamic entrepreneurs. Some of them have been enchanting. But there are many, who have brought significant changes but have gone unnoticed. Induben Jhaveri, popularly known as Induben Khakhrawala, is one of them. This study focuses on the journey of Induben Jhaveri from a middleclass housewife to an entrepreneur. A venture started by Induben in 1956 has now become the face of Gujarati women entrepreneurs. The study highlights the rebranding of Gujarati Khakhra culture, the business strategy and model adopted, and its overall impact on women entrepreneurship.

Early Life

Induben was born in Jain Visha Oswal Community in 1929. Jains are a prominent and influential religious minority of Gujarat. Though a small one, this community boasts of many eminent personalities. Prominent industrialists, Kasturbhai Lalbhai, and Shantilal Shah, promoter of Gujarat Samachar, a leading Gujarati daily, belong to this community.

Induben’s parents were traditional Jains and were financially sound. Marrying into a middleclass family changed the course of her life. Having grown up in a well-to-do family, Induben’s initial years after marriage in a middleclass household were difficult. Her husband had health problems, and his earnings were not enough to sustain the entire family. So, Induben was compelled to take up odd jobs to support her family. Her initial works included sewing, handicraft and a job at a mill. Induben soon realized that these laborious jobs did not compensate for her hard work at par. She started hunting for a job more lucrative than these.


Entrepreneurship Development Journal, Induben Khakhrawala, Gujarati women entrepreneurs, Gujarati culture, Khakhra venture, The Journey of a Woman Entrepreneur .