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The IUP Journal of Information Technology
The Challenges Posed by Information Technology to Secretaries: A Study with Reference to Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria

This study was conducted to identify the challenges of information technologies on secretaries in the Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niger State, Nigeria. The study was embarked upon to emphasize the importance or significance of secretaries as they face the challenges of the information technology in an ICT era. The research was carried out using 50 secretaries. The instrument used in the collection of data was a questionnaire and the data collected was analyzed using the SPSS software. From the analysis of data collected, it was found and concluded that among other things most secretaries lack necessary skills required for ICT in the modern office and most of them with just typing and shorthand skills are on the verge of losing their jobs. Although, it was discovered and concluded that secretaries will not be replaced by computers and that the ones with ICT skills are in high demand and with ample career opportunities in the modern office. It was then recommended that organizations should train and retrain their secretaries to be ICT-compliant and that the curriculum of secretarial study programs should be reviewed and widened to include ICT courses so as to give potential secretaries an ICT background.


The world is changing and all that exists in it are changing along with it. That is why the secretarial profession, one of the oldest professions in the world, is changing too. Secretarial profession which is a noble profession existed in the early stage of the development of man and practitioners were associated with kings, top military officers and great men. In those early days, the secretary’s job was tedious, as it was narrow and limited to only taking notes of speeches of great men and keeping secret official records. The secretary had to file documents in shelves in the office. This was done continuously to the extent that it became difficult for the organization to retrieve information and communicate quickly when needed. Files were being accumulated in many offices and even some vital records got missing.

Later people developed other means of processing information. The typewriter changed the course of things for the secretary as he started to learn how to manipulate it as well as writing with his hands. It added more responsibility to the secretarial career and eventually affected the general training of secretaries to meet the challenges of the emerging business organizations. However, the advent of technology and the metamorphic world has not only changed but has also significantly enlarged the profession. World economics has changed, social order and value orientation is changing day-by-day. Technology has brought about monumental development in communication systems worldwide and as a direct consequence, secretarial profession is becoming more and more multi-dimensional and sophisticated. This shows that for a secretary to be employed today in modern information technological world he must be able to operate the modern equipment efficiently. It should therefore be the paramount duty of secretaries both practicing and potential to seek higher knowledge in all aspects, especially computer literacy. This will make him to fit into today’s modern office. In view of this, the researcher intends to explore the realities and impact of Information Technology (IT) to secretaries and also found out the opportunities that abound for them in the modern office.


Information Technology Journal, ICT, IT, NBTE, HND, ND .