The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management
Description |
Repayment of microcredit is one of the most important concerns in microfinance since these
institutions lend to poor and low-income borrowers who have no collateral assets. The high
repayment rate enables the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), whether or not they are profit
oriented, to charge subsidized and low interest rates, which would reduce the financial cost of
credit and reach as many poor people as possible (i.e., depth of outreach). It may also help
decrease the dependence on subsidies and gifts from governments and donors, which would
help in achieving self-sustainability.
Due to the increasing competition in microcredit market and the rising level of overindebtedness
among microentrepreneurs, researchers feel that MFIs have to develop some
powerful risk management tools in order to rationalize the credit granting decision and
evaluate the financial performance of their clients. One such tool is credit scoring, which
involves using what is known from the past to forecast what might take place in the future. It
compares known characteristics or facts about the borrowers and loans with similar past
cases in order to estimate the potential borrowers’ risk. Although this method is not new for
the conventional banking sector, it constitutes an innovation for MFIs. Since the late 1990s,
credit scoring has gradually found its way into the microfinance field (Viganò, 1993; Schreiner,
2004; Simbaqueba et al., 2011; and Van et al., 2011).
Keywords |
Financial Risk Management Journal, Credit Scoring Model, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Fuzzy Adaptive Network (FAN), Neuro Fuzzy Classification (NEFCLASS), and Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Microfinance Bank, Classifier, Optimized, Differential, Evolution, Algorithm.