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The IUP Journal of Information Technology
Performance-Centric Cloud-Based e-Learning

Advancements in information technology have enhanced its usage in many areas of society, including the education sector. The e-learning paradigm is widely accepted by the online learning community and the education providers across the world. However, factors like limited availability of infrastructural resources, increasing demands for resources, time, space and cost constraints have resulted in their performance degradation which has led them to trivial access only. Implementation of integrated cloud-based e-learning environments may result in solutions which may be of use to the increasing number of online learners and their increasing instantaneous demands for computing resources. This paper presents the issues concerning the implementation of cloud-based e-learning solutions and suggests an efficient and performance-centric architecture of mutually teamed up community e-learning cloud environments.


Significant progressions in microelectronic and communication technologies have provided enrichments to the domain of information technology by enabling the IT solution providers in generating and delivering better computing solutions. Several sectors of society, businesses and governments have adopted the computing solutions in their routine activities for the betterment and smooth functioning of their routine operations and objectives. The education domain is also one of these IT solution beneficiary sectors. The advancements in IT services and solutions have resulted in the growth of web-based education models where numerous demonstrations are available on web. Furthermore, according to Kaewkiriya et al. (2011), the availability of online multimedia-rich teaching and learning study material has augmented the convention of e-learning methodology worldwide.

Because of its significant advantages such as time and location independence, cost cutting, self-paced, faster learning curve, easy updating, improved retention, and easy management, different stakeholders such as online learning community, teachers, experts, researchers, scholars, administration and technical staff have been benefitting from the implementation of such web-based learning models. Due to its time and location independency, online learners may access the available learning sessions and study material at any time and from anywhere, thereby helping the class of learners for whom it is not possible to follow the fixed schedules of regular college classes. Such class of learners may also consist of interdisciplinary knowledge seekers, working people, disabled persons and many others. Moreover, facilitating such implementations in primary education may also become advantageous especially to village poor pupil, illiterate females and senior citizens. Its cost-cutting advantage may result from reduction in travelling cost and travelling time. Its self-paced feature helps learners in choosing a course and its materials from many available options meeting their interest and level. Moreover, it may help improve the learning curve, as the learner is free to learn at his convenience; it also allows the learners to skip contents which they already know, and understand and directly move onto the issues where they need actual training. In addition, such systems require lesser updation efforts and time, as updation of system and learning contents requires modification on servers only.


Information Technology Journal, Cloud computing, e-Learning, Web-based learning, Virtual lab, Current Scenario, Challenges, e-Learning.