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The IUP Journal of English Studies :
Towards Better Vocabulary Proficiency: Research Trends in the Area of Vocabulary Teaching

The paper is descriptive in nature. It reviews literature in the area of vocabulary teaching. It traces how frequency word lists were prepared during vocabulary control movement, research in the area of word knowledge and teaching, vocabulary learning strategies, and vocabulary tasks types that can be developed for deeper processing of words when the research is carried out by the scholars. The paper covers the research that had been carried out before the explosion of ICT tools. The review would be of great help to the scholars doing research in the area of vocabulary teaching.


Most work in the area of vocabulary has been concerned not with lexical learning as such, but with the management of vocabulary learning: how to reduce the vocabulary load, as reflected in the frequency count movement from the time of Ogden in 1930. In the 1990s, much larger corpora have been created. The British National Corpus and the Cambridge International Corpus both totaled 100 million words in July 1998. In 1995, editions of the Collins COBUILD and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English coding systems were used to identify high frequency words. Nation’s University Word List (1990) had been replaced by Academic Word List (Coxhead, 1998). The demand for high frequency word lists is due to teachers and research scholars’ interest in testing the word level knowledge of the second language learners. Nation and Robert in “Vocabulary Size, Text Coverage and Word Lists” discuss the criteria used for vocabulary selection and teaching (Schmitt and McCarthy, 1997). Schmitt and McCarthy (1997) suggest that the word selection should be based on representativeness to wide range users of language, frequency and range. They suggest the inclusion of word families and idioms and set expressions that could provide a wide range of information like the form and parts of speech in a word family, frequency, underlying meaning, etc. The major problem of choosing words based on frequency is solved by computational corpus. White (1999) suggests that words that are relevant to the needs of the learners and which are easy and likely to interest the learners should be presented early in the course. The criteria would be mostly applicable in the early stages, and at more advanced levels, the guiding criterion would be personal interest as at the later stages, words required for specific purposes that should meet the needs of the learners.


English Studies Journal, Vocabulary Control Movement, Preparation, Word Lists, Area of Learning, Repeated Exposure, Better Vocabulary, Proficiency, Research Trends, Area of Vocabulary Teaching.