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The IUP Journal of Telecommunications
An Eco-Design of Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wideband Applications

A systematic study on an eco-design of Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) is done for the first time by considering the environment. The developed DRA is an eco-designed antenna which uses less material and energy; due to this the environmental impact is reduced. The proposed DRA geometry decreases the DRA dielectric material by 52% as compared to conventional rectangular DRA with compact volume of 6.48 cm3. The antenna covers most of the wireless system like 5.2 and 5.8 GHz WLAN/Wi-MAX applications.


Nowadays, modern concerns of societies on global environment are becoming much more serious. Therefore, it is clear that engineering inventions cannot be perfect without environmental consideration (Takada et al., 1999). All the engineering products have to be designed in such a way as to decrease the adverse impact on the environment. ISO 14006:2011 provides rules to assist organizations in implementing, maintaining and continually improving their management of ecodesign as part of an Environmental Management System (EMS) (Lewandowska and Matuszak-Flejszman, 2014).

Keeping the environmental consideration in mind, the eco-design of Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) can be divided into two parts: (1) DRA; and (2) Eco-design. DRA is usually made of high permittivity lossless dielectric materials, which is called Dielectric Resonators (DRs). DRs have been primarily used in microwave circuits such as shielded microwave circuits, filters, oscillators and cavity resonators (Plourde and Ren, 1981). By removing the shielding and with the proper feeding to excite the appropriate mode, it was found that these same DRs could actually become efficient radiator/antenna elements (Long et al., 1983).


Telecommunications Journal, Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA), Dielectric Resonators (DRs), Wideband Applications, WLAN/Wi-MAX, Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Computer Simulation Technology, Eco-design, High efficiency, .