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The IUP Journal of Telecommunications
Parasitic Metal Loading to Purify the Higher-Order Mode of a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna

The paper shows that a metallic strip placed at certain planes of a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna (CDRA) improves the purity of the co-polarized fields of its Higher Order Mode (HOM) when excited by a microstrip line. The metallic boundary suppresses the spurious field components of the HOM which are responsible for a distorted radiation pattern. A directivity of about –30 dB in the broadside direction and about 5.5 dB at ±500 elevation to the broadside has been demonstrated at the HOM frequency of 4.63 GHz. The metal loading also retains the fundamental broadside mode of the CDRA allowing dualband and dual-mode operation.


Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) have been shown to be superior to patch antennas at microwave frequencies (Mongia and Bhartia, 1994; and Lai, 2008). Isolated Dielectric Resonators (DRs) produce well-defined far-field patterns of different shapes and properties (Mongia and Bhartia, 1994). However, when coupled to an external source, the purity of the excited modes deviates from those of the isolated case, which in turn adversely affects the purity of the far-field pattern. This is mainly because of the strong field perturbation caused by the particular coupling structure. The mode distortion is revealed in the form of an increase in pattern asymmetry, crosspolarization level, null-level or/and side-lobe level. This concern has been raised by Kishk et al. (1993); and Kishk and Glisson (2001). Differential-feed (Petosa et al., 1999; and Singh and Sharma, 2010) has been suggested as the most effective method to prevent mode distortions. Alternative methods of combining single-ended feed with parasitic elements have also been suggested (Guha et al., 2015a and 2015b). In the present paper, a method to purify the co-polarized patterns of the HEM21-like HOM of a CDRA has been proposed and two different implementations of the same have been validated using Ansoft HFSS simulations.


Telecommunications Journal, Dielectric resonator antenna, Higher Order Mode (HOM), Mode distortion, Broadside null radiation.